Personally, I am not a mom, and am well aware that I am not the target of that commercial, therefore, I do not feel affected by this commercial, whatsoever. However, when it was discussed that there were so many women upset, and that had been responding through the use of social media, I decided to do a little bit of research on my own.
I went ahead and looked up them up on YouTube, and definitely found quite a few. Then, I realized that they were all being hosted by One of the ads has this as a description: presents Lisa from Crazy Adventures in Parenting as she responds to the Motrin ad's claim of being 'fashionable' while wearing her newborn. Lisa blogs regularly at View all Motrin Mom response videos at Spread the news about this and feel free to post this on your blog and please attribute
I went to the website, to figure out what they were about, and realized that they are an online social network for moms to gether, share tips, but, primarily share videos.
I thought this was interesting because we had recently been discussing how different sharing through video can be from sharing through a blogs. The website itself seems to be really successful with a lot of users and a lot of insight.
Your research finds are extremely interesting. So did the website Lisa was blogging from have any radical views or were their ideologies fairly simplistic and level headed?
I think video blogging is such a fun way to communicate and is an awesome example of Word of Mouth. Not only are the viewers increasing the popularity of the videos but they are also sharing their opinions which is sometimes often better.
Good for you to try to see behind the hype. If you want a bit more data, I just finished and posted a pretty good analysis of what really happened.
posted at
I searched 'motrin' in that website you mentioned,, and I thought the results were great. I agree with most moms because the advertisement was critical on mothers who "wear their children". I think the wording of that phrase has a heavy negative connotation. I think Motrin should have taken a closer look at the wording and spent more time analyzing their targets. Great find!
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