Recently, in class, we have been discussing
RSS. I, personally, had never used, or ever heard of this technology. I feel that I understand the convenience, however, somehow, I still feel rather hesitant about applying every single website I visit in my new
Google Reader. I feel that there is something to be said for the truly dedicated fan to a website, no? I mean, who knows, someone with opposing views may say that they use their RSS, and feel just as, or even more dedicated to any particular site because at least, they will for sure not miss any new articles or...that maybe, this way, they truly show to be interested on the content rather than the pretty colors it lies on. I don't know.
But, that same thought got me thinking again. It got me thinking about RSS working just as like our TV's
DVR system. Essentially, is RSS not causing us to skip over all of the other crap on the page to get to the real meat, just as we skip over all commercials? DVR has caused quite a controversial stir, however, is internet advertising still not as acclaimed to be create an issue of importance out of this at all?
What does this mean for graphic designers out there designing webpages that may not be looked at much longer?
Or to major firms getting paid millions of dollars to place banners alongside every and any blank space on a website?
In the end, is getting more RSS subscriptions better for a website than getting more hits?